Artome Ltd. was founded in 2016 but the idea of Artome smart furniture started already in 2013, when the founder of Artome, Toni Parikka received an interesting commission. The client wanted an integrated and discreet audio system in his existing piece of furniture. The task was considered to be impossible without sacrificing sound quality – a totally new approach on design that pays attention to acoustics was required.
The challenge was accepted and the clients vision became reality in the form of a furniture speaker. Meanwhile the screen sizes of TVs grew larger while their depth grew thinner, which also reduced their sound quality. Parikka invented how a TV can be transformed into a high quality audiovisual experience with a piece of design furniture. Artome Cinema – the first smart furniture was born.
No more installations
Parikka also had had well over 100 audiovisual projects with companies and government instances. A single large school project had lasted for months, and the constant change of plans in nearly every space slowed down the project dramatically. While installing an ultrashort throw projector on a wall, he wondered why weren’t these projectors being installed in furniture. All the cabling and installation would then take place in the factory instead the project work site and it could easily reduce the cost of construction.
A single large school project had lasted for months, and the constant change of plans in nearly every space slowed down the project dramatically. While installing an ultra short throw projector on a wall, he wondered why aren’t these projectors being installed in furniture. All the cabling and installation would take place in the factory instead the project work site. Connecting the power cord is the only needed step after delivering the furniture to the room.
In 2014 Toni introduced the first concept model of a smart furniture with a big screen and audio playback. After several versions and with the boost from the evolution of technology, at May 2018 was finally time to say goodbye to installation. Artome Movea, the first movable presentation solution for business was born.
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Avientek, Distributor of Audio Visual and Unified Communications Middle East, Africa and Indian Subcontinent.
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